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What Are the Benefits of Unionizing Your Workplace?

Over the past couple of years, unionization has become increasingly popular across the United States, with an estimated 200,000 employees joining unions in 2022 alone. However, not everyone understands what benefits a union can bring, and wonder if unionization might be appropriate for their workplace. So what are the benefits of unionizing your workplace?

  • A union can help negotiate for better pay and benefits

    • The biggest reason to consider unionizing your workplace is that a union can negotiate on your behalf for better pay and benefits. Through the power of collective bargaining, a union can ensure its members get higher wages, more sick and vacation days, and overall better treatment compared to non-unionized workers. In fact, non-union workers are estimated to make only 85% of what a union worker in the same position does.

  • A union can argue on your behalf in a labor dispute

    • Another important reason to consider unionizing your workplace is what happens if you get into a labor dispute. As a non-unionized employee, if you accuse your employer of engaging in discrimination, wage theft, or other labor violations, you could easily face retaliation with no one to back you up. However, a union can protect you and help protect your rights, providing assistance if you need to file a complaint or engage in any legal action.

  • A union can help you get better working conditions

    • Labor unions can also help you get better working conditions for your workplace. Many workers are forced to work in unsanitary, unsafe, or otherwise difficult conditions that might be improved if the employer wanted them to be improved. This can be a difficult argument to have as a lone worker, but if you have unionized, you will be in a much better position to argue for better working conditions.

  • A union can protect you from being fired without cause

    • Most employees in the United States are known as “at-will” employees, meaning they can be fired at any time for almost any reason. Union employees, however, can be protected by their union contract, meaning they can only be fired for certain stated misconduct. By unionizing your workplace, you can avoid these sorts of sudden and unexplained firings, protecting you against losing your job for no good reason.

  • A union will help cover your bills if you go on strike

    • Labor negotiations can go on a long time, and employers often count on employees running out of money while they are on strike to avoid improving their working conditions. However, the union fees that workers pay can help to pay their bills while they are on strike. By unionizing, you can make sure you do not go broke while you are trying to engage in labor organizing.

Steven Mitchell Sack, the Employee’s Lawyer, is a New York employment lawyer with more than 41 years’ experience handling the many aspects of employment law. His new book, “Fired!: Protect Your Rights & FIGHT BACK If You’re Terminated, Laid Off, Downsized, Restructured, Forced to Resign or Quit,” is available in hardback, and contains valuable advice on dealing with employment and labor law issues. To purchase the book, feel free to contact Steven Sack at 917-371-8000 or visit the website at To inquire about a legal matter, please feel free to contact attorney Steven Sack at 917-371-8000 or

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